
spyfit.io.sfit4.read_spectrum(filename, spdim='spectrum', bdim='band', sdim='scan', wcoord='spec_wn', scoord='spec_scan', bcoord='spec_band')

Read a spectrum (bands and scans data).

Use this function to load ‘in.spectrum’.


filename : str

Name or path to the file.

spdim : str

Name of the dimension of the spectral data (default: ‘spectra’). spectral data for all micro-windows (i.e., bands and scans) will be flattened as a 1-d array.

wcoord : str

Name of the wavenumber coordinate for spectral data (default: ‘spec_wn’).

scoord : str

Name of the coordinate for spectral scans (default: ‘spec_scan’).

bcoord : str

Name of the coordinate for spectral bands (default: ‘spec_band’).

bdim : str

Name of the dimension of the band (default: ‘band’).

sdim : str

Name of the dimension of the scan (default: ‘scan’).


dataset : dict

A CDM-structured dictionary.