
Required dependencies

  • Python 3.4 or 3.5.
  • numpy (1.7 or later)
  • pandas (0.15.0 or later)
  • xarray (0.7.0 or later)

Optional dependencies

For netCDF and IO

  • netCDF4: used by xarray to read/write netCDF4 files
  • scipy: used by xarray for reading/writing netCDF3
  • h5netcdf: an alternative library for reading and writing netCDF4 files that does not use the netCDF-C libraries
  • HDF4 and pyhdf or python-hdf4: if you want to read/write HDF4 GEOMS files

For plotting


There is currently no spyfit release available at PyPi or Anaconda.

Be sure you have the required dependencies (numpy, pandas and xarray) installed first. You might consider using conda to install them:

$ conda install xarray netcdf4 pip

Then you can clone the spyfit git repository and install it using pip:

$ git clone
$ cd spyfit
$ pip install .

For development purpose, use the following command:

$ pip install -e .